Christopher’s Organic Botanicals » Shopping, Specialty Retail & Re-Sale

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Christopher’s Organic Botanicals

Contact: Christopher Deaney
Work 567 Salem Quinton Road, Suite C Salem NJ 08079 Work Phone: 609-202-6880 Website:


Photo of Christopher’s Organic Botanicals

We are an online-only store located in Quinton NJ that serves the Continental United States. We work with a little known herb called Kratom that has helped thousands in the United States regain their lives. Netflix has a Documentary called ” A Leaf of Faith” that briefly explains this natural plant. We are one of 10 Companies that have been GMP Audited and Approved by the American Kratom Association.

Business Products:

  • Mitragyna Speciosa (Kratom)

Business Days / Hours:

  • Monday-Friday/ 9 AM- 4PM

Business Licenses


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