Spenser Union American Methodist Episcopal Church

Contact: Pastor Charles Ghee


Photo of Spenser Union American Methodist Episcopal Church

Spencer UAME Church is a Historical Landmark built before the Civil War. The cemetery contains several marked graves denoting United States Colored Troop Soldiers. Their grave records are located at the church, the Salem County Veterans Services Office, and at African American Civil War Museum in Washington D.C. Spencer UAME Church is one of several churches in Salem County that became a way station for the Underground Railroad, helping runaway slaves escape to freedom. We are listed as a visitor site on the Seven Steps to Freedom Project sponsored by the Salem County Historical Society. As we reflect on the past, we understand that our founder has a desire to teach all people of this community with the message of the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ. We recently celebrated our 200 year Anniversary “To God Be the Glory” We also hold a food bank every 3rd Saturday of the month form 9am-1pm.